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649jackpotprizetoday| Nearly three years later, he was attacked by "enemies" and claimed to be malicious slander.

时间:2024-05-08 07:19:05浏览次数:18

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Tang Qiang, a reporter from the Securities Times.

At noon on May 7th, a sudden announcement quickly aroused investors' attention to the vertical and horizontal shares (688070), and there were obvious fluctuations in the company's share price. Affected by the news, the shares of Zhongheng shares plunged sharply in the afternoon, falling from a rise of 3% to a drop of more than 9%. After intraday shocks, they closed at 38.649jackpotprizetoday.22 yuan per share, down 5.98% throughout the day.

649jackpotprizetoday| Nearly three years later, he was attacked by "enemies" and claimed to be malicious slander.

According to a statement issued on the official Wechat account of Hebei Xiongan Yuandu Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hebei Yuandu"), Chengdu Zhongheng Dapeng UAV Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongheng UAV") is a wholly owned subsidiary, which was questioned for falsifying quality inspection reports in the bidding for the procurement project of forestry reform and development funds from the central finance of Kashgar Prefecture Forestry and Grass Bureau in 2022. After verification, he was disqualified from winning the bid.

The statement further pointed out that in May 2023, the Kashgar Regional Finance Bureau received a "statement on withdrawing the letter of query" sent by Ma Fujun, then director of the Xinjiang region of the drone. It has been verified that the statement on the revocation of the letter of query and the official seal of Beijing Yuandu Internet Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Yuandu") are forged and their acts have been suspected of committing a crime. On July 10, 2023, the Finance Bureau of Kashgar Prefecture issued a decision on Administrative punishment, which found that Zhongheng UAV forged quality inspection reports and banned it from participating in government procurement activities in Kashgar within one year.

With regard to the above incident, a reporter from Securities Times e Company quickly contacted the vertical and horizontal shares, and a relevant person of the listed company said that in view of unfair competition means such as fabricating false information and maliciously slandering the distant company, vertical and horizontal shares will actively take corresponding measures to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law.

It should be noted that this statement is signed by Beijing Yuandu, which was established in September 2018 with a registered capital of 50 million yuan. At present, Hebei Yuandu holds a 100% stake in Beijing Yuandu, and its business scope includes intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing and sales, artificial intelligence application software development and other businesses.

A reporter from Securities Times e Company noticed that Hebei Yuandu and Zhongheng shares are actually "old enemies", and the two sides fought each other as early as on the eve of listing.

According to the prospectus, on June 17 and June 18, 2020, Zongheng shares received relevant litigation materials such as "opening subpoena" and "Civil complaint" from the Intermediate people's Court of Jinan City, Shandong Province. Hebei far sued Zhongheng drones and Zongheng shares without permission (Jin Kirin analyst) to manufacture, sell and promise to sell products that infringed the plaintiff's patent rights. Request the court to order vertical and horizontal drones and vertical and horizontal shares to immediately stop the infringement, and destroy the inventory of the alleged infringing products and special moulds, and pay a total of 20 million yuan for the use fee and reasonable expenses for the temporary protection of the patent involved.

On June 8, 2021, Zongheng shares issued a notice revealing that all five cases appealed by Hebei Yuandu, the plaintiff, had been withdrawn. As everyone knows, nearly three years later, the feud between Hebei Yuandu and vertical and horizontal shares resumed, and this time the "vanguard" was replaced by a wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Yuandu.

However, according to the announcement of the military Procurement Network, Beijing's remote participation in military procurement activities was suspended by the Procurement Planning Office of the Joint Logistics support Department on September 28, 2023 because of suspected violations in military procurement activities.

In addition, according to enterprise check data, Beijing Yuandu also has a suspected relationship with many companies, such as Beijing Zero Technology Center (limited partnership), Zero Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zero Intelligent Control"), Zero Internet (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., and other companies, all of which leave the same phone number. Among them, Zero Intelligence Control was established in 2009 with a registered capital of 13.0677 million yuan. The company is committed to the research and development of UAV autopilot and to provide customers with a full range of industry solutions.

However, Zero Intelligence Control has its own risks. During 2018-2020, Zero Intelligence Control was restricted to high consumption 10 times by a number of courts. As a defendant, Zero Intelligence Control was involved in 82 judicial cases, most of which were caused by disputes over sales contracts.