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时间:2024-05-07 06:20:51浏览次数:19

Newsletter summary

SASAC of the State Council emphasizes promoting high-quality development, optimizing industrial layout, strengthening scientific and technological innovation, promoting the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, building a new development pattern, and helping the economic operation of central enterprises to improve smoothly.


Text of news flash

[SASAC stresses that central enterprises are steadily improving economic operation and promoting high-quality development] the Party Committee of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a meeting on May 6 to put forward measures to enhance confidence and take advantage of the situation in view of the current problems facing the economic operation of central enterprises. The meeting was clear.BetssonpokerThe importance of building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development of services is emphasized.BetssonpokerPractical measures around the goal of "one profit and five rates" have been taken.

The meeting pointed out that we should take scientific and technological innovation as the starting point, cultivate and strengthen new quality productive forces, optimize the adjustment of industrial layout structure, promote the coordination and linkage of industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain, ensure the stable and good economic operation of central enterprises, and act as a national economic stabilizer and ballast stone.

Paying special attention to the high-quality development of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the meeting called for strengthening the guidance and overall planning of strategic planning, strengthening the overall awareness and concept of the overall situation. To guide and urge central enterprises to give full play to their own advantages, combine local characteristics and development needs, strive to transform and upgrade traditional industries, actively lay out strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of world-class strategic emerging industrial clusters with international influence.