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时间:2024-05-06 18:18:58浏览次数:18

Newsletter summary

The demand for iron ore may decline after the festival, but the economy is expected to recover from May to June under the policy stimulus. It is recommended to buy 09 contracts on the bargain. Rebar inventory decline, policy stimulus demand, bullish RB2410 contract in the long-term single. Hot volume inventory pressure is greater, but policy-driven demand, HC2410 contracts suggest concussion ideas, bargain layout in the long-term single.


Text of news flash

[capital futuresHititrichfreecoinsandspinsIron ore demand may decline after the festival, it is recommended to buy at a bargain] before the May Day holiday, iron ore replenishment activities are over, the market expects that the demand for raw materials will decline after the festival. At the same time, port inventories are at an all-time high, putting pressure on mineral prices. However, Guodu Futures pointed out that with the implementation of policies such as "trade-in" and "equipment upgrading", real estate and manufacturing will be boosted, and consumer demand is expected to rise, thus supporting the iron ore market. From May to June, the issuance of special treasury bonds and the acceleration of fiscal expenditure are expected to promote an increase in physical workload, which in turn catalyzes economic recovery. In operation, Guodu Futures recommends that investors in the 09 contract after the high in late April, short-term may show shock adjustment trend, May may first suppress and then rise, it is recommended to buy when the price is low. [capital futuresHititrichfreecoinsandspinsRebar inventory decline, it is recommended that the bargain layout of long-term multiple] before the festival, the rebar inventory decreased rapidly, the steel mill inventory decreased significantly, and the pressure of resuming production was alleviated. With the reduction of policy uncertainty, the real estate market has entered an easing cycle after three years of consolidation, and the policy attitude of boosting domestic demand has become more proactive. Under the stimulation of strong macro expectations after the festival, thread demand is expected to continue to improve. National capital futures believe that the short-term rise of the main RB2410 contract has slowed down, there may be repeated, it is recommended that investors take short-term concussion ideas, bargain layout in the long-term. [national capital futures: hot coil inventory elimination pressure, it is suggested that the bargain layout of long-term multiple] April steel prices hit bottom rebound, hot coil inventory elimination pressure is greater. Although export profits are still substantial, with the arrival of overseas festivals, it is difficult for overseas orders to increase significantly. Guodu Futures pointed out that the downstream stock has been basically completed before the festival, and attention should be paid to the demand brought about by the trade-in and large-scale equipment renewal policy after the festival. Operationally, HC2410 contracts may be repeated in the short term, so investors are advised to adopt concussion ideas and find bargains in the long-term layout.