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mspacmanarcade| Everbright Futures: May 22 Agricultural Products Daily

时间:2024-05-22 09:50:39浏览次数:13

Protein meal:

mspacmanarcade| Everbright Futures: May 22 Agricultural Products Daily

TuesdayMspacmanarcadeThe lower harvest of CBOT soybeans was affected by lower soybean meal and faster-than-expected spring sowing in the United States. Yesterday's crop report showed that 52% of the beans were sown, which was higher than the 49% expected by the market, down from 61% in the same period last year, and the humid weather slowed down.MspacmanarcadeThe progress of planting American beans has been improved. Analysts say rain in the Midwest is unlikely to significantly delay sowing, but may support the growth of early soybeans. In addition, with the increase in Argentine crushing, the competitiveness of American soybean meal has declined, and futures prices have fallen, which has also depressed the price of American beans. Brazil harvested 97% of soybeans, down from 98% in the same period last year.Mspacmanarcade.5%. Anec expects Brazil to export 13.83 million tons of soybeans in May, down from a previous estimate of 14.13 million tons. Domestically, soybean crushing volume has increased, soybean and soybean meal stocks have risen, and the loose supply of soybean meal is expected to strengthen. Market turnover slows down, soybean meal demand performance is general, downstream buy-as-you-go strategy remains unchanged. Cost is the dominant trading theme of futures at present, in operation, you can choose the opportunity to participate in the month, soybean meal unilateral concussion is strong, buy meal to sell oil arbitrage hold.

Live pigs:

On Tuesday, 2409 of the main contracts of live pigs were adjusted to reduce their positions, and the current price closed with a small positive line, and the 10-day moving average supported short-term prices. In the spot market, pig prices rose over the weekend, breeding stocks rebounded, and optimism in the pig market increased. At present, the average price of Henan pig market is 15.Mspacmanarcade.98 yuan / kg, up 0.10 yuan / kg compared with yesterday. The price of 120-130 kg of well-bred pigs in the local farm is 15.90-16.20 yuan / kg; the price of improved-bred pigs of small and medium-sized farmers is 15.80-16.00 yuan / kg, and the individual low price is 15.60 yuan / kg; the market price of 150-160 kg big pigs is 15.60-16.00 yuan / kg. Consumer side, downstream slaughtering enterprise social farm improved breed standard pig mainstream purchase price 15.80-16.00 yuan / kg, all weigh about 120 kilograms. Sub-regional point of view, Guangdong, Liaoning, Shandong, Yunnan and other places pig prices linked up, Anhui pig prices stable, the country's pig prices upward, the spot market bullish mood. Technically, the pig market at the beginning of the week is up, futures are down, and the basis is strong. Short-term indicators focus on the effectiveness of the 10-day moving average support, long-term multiple orders continue to hold, September contracts pay attention to the support performance of the price in the dense area of the 17850 yuan moving average.


On Tuesday, the price volatility of egg futures was weak, with the main 2409 contract closing down 0.75% at 3970 yuan / 500kg. The 2406 contract fluctuated downward in recent months and fell by the limit at the end of the day. Eggs spot than the previous day flat, Zhuochuang data show that yesterday's national egg price of 4.14 yuan / jin, month-on-month flat. Among them, Ningjin pink shell eggs 4 yuan / jin, Montenegro market brown shell eggs 4 yuan / jin, month-on-month level; in the sales area, Puxi brown shell eggs 4.22 yuan / jin, month-on-month level, Guangzhou market brown shell eggs 4.5 yuan / jin, 0.03 yuan / jin. The demand in the terminal market is stable, and all the markets in the sales area buy and sell according to the trend, and most of the prices are temporarily stable; partial digestion is not smooth, and prices fall. In terms of fundamentals, supply continues to increase, but the trend is relatively stable, and spot prices of eggs will rebound under the boost of seasonal demand in the third quarter. However, the short-term plum rainy season is not conducive to storage, and the spot price of eggs is expected to decline in mid-late May. It is suggested that in the medium and long term, there is a possibility of a pullback in the short-term rainy season, and short-term trading is dominated by band trading. Pay attention to spot price fluctuations and changes in market sentiment.


On Tuesday, corn futures prices were nearly weak and far stronger, and unfavorable rumors about the supply of brown rice affected the market, and corn contract prices in recent months were under pressure. In the spot market, the purchase price of corn in North China has stabilized. After the previous price continued to rise in the North China market, corn deep processing enterprises in North China began to increase volume at the weekend. From a sub-regional point of view, grass-roots food sources in the northeast region continue to decrease, deep processing enterprises have raised prices one after another, market bullish sentiment has increased, farmers are firmly demanding prices, it is more difficult for traders to collect grain, inventory costs have been pushed up, and the mentality of selling at low prices. In the North China market, after the May Day holiday, North China corn started a rising mode. In the morning of last weekend, the number of vehicles gradually returned to more than 1,000, and enterprise prices fell immediately, but after the price fell, the number of vehicles arriving by deep processing enterprises decreased again. Yesterday, some enterprises began to raise their prices to buy. The current market mentality is bullish as a whole, traders are less willing to ship goods in the case of falling prices, and grass-roots purchases and sales remain stable. Sales area market, yesterday sales area corn market price is strong operation, the market transaction situation is general, the downstream enterprise purchases on demand. Hubei new season wheat on the market, there is a certain performance-to-price ratio, feed enterprises purchase an appropriate amount. Technically, the September corn contract is subject to 2500 yuan integer mark suppression, corn futures price pressure adjustment. Short-term operation of 2470 yuan is the previous intensive trading area, short-term attention to the price support of this platform.