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mappyarcade| What intention? Foreign media: The commander of the Philippine Army who had reached a "new model" agreement with China on the Renai Reef issue was suddenly replaced

时间:2024-05-19 16:53:30浏览次数:8

SourceMappyarcadeWorld wide web

[global Network report] Comprehensive Agence France-Presse and Philippine Star reported on the 18th local time.MappyarcadeThe Philippine military has replaced Alberto Carlos, commander of the Philippine Armed Forces Western military region Command, who is believed to have reached a "new model" agreement with China on the Renai Reef issue earlier this year. The Philippine military does not recognize that this personnel change is related to China.

According to Agence France-Presse, the Philippine military said in a statement on the 18th that the move is "part of a continuous change in leadership and key positions within the army, which is necessary for the army to adapt to the changing security environment and effectively deal with new challenges. Rear Admiral Alfonso Torres Jr. will replace Alberto Carlos.

According to the Philippine Star, the Armed Forces of the Philippines did not disclose that Carlos has any new duties and he is still on leave. However, the Philippine military also claimed that the removal of Alberto Carlos had nothing to do with the claim that he had participated in reaching a "new model" agreement with China. Carlos himself has not spoken on the matter.

With regard to the Philippine military statement, some netizens left messages in the reporting and comment section of the Philippine Star, sarcastically reminding the successor, "be careful, Torres, you can only talk to Americans." ↓

Bloomberg of the United States recently obtained an audio recording showing the process of negotiations between China and the Philippines this year around the "new model" of shipping and replenishment on the Philippine side of China's Renai Reef. Transcripts show that Alberto Carlos, commander of the Philippine Armed Forces Western military region Command, agreed to deal with the supply activities of Philippine warships on the beach in a "new mode." A person familiar with the matter told the Global Times on May 8 that the relevant written records were true, and Philippine military officials did agree with the Chinese side on the "new mode" of transportation and replenishment, and for a time they abided by it, but soon the Philippine side betrayed its promises, and the Chinese side also had to take compulsory action to regulate the Philippine torts.

Philippine National Security adviser Anio said recently that China's so-called "new model" on Renai Reef is only a new fabrication out of thin air, and that the Philippines and China have "not reached any agreement" on the Renai Reef issue. The evidence released by the foreign media is undoubtedly a "slap in the face" of the Philippine side's "sophistry" remarks.

mappyarcade| What intention? Foreign media: The commander of the Philippine Army who had reached a "new model" agreement with China on the Renai Reef issue was suddenly replaced

At the regular press conference on May 6, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian also reiterated the basic facts on relevant issues. Lin Jian said that at the end of 2021, China and the Philippines reached a "gentleman's agreement" through intensive communication and consultation. At the beginning of the Philippine government, the two sides continued to implement the Gentleman Agreement until February 2023. In September 2023, China invited the Philippine president's special envoy for special affairs to China for consultations, and the two sides reached an internal understanding on the control of the situation on Renai Reef. The understanding was agreed by the Philippine leadership and implemented in the subsequent transportation and replenishment of Renai Reef, which was abandoned by the Philippine side. At the beginning of this year, the Chinese side repeatedly held talks with the Philippine western military region through diplomatic channels and reached a "new model" for the transportation and replenishment of benevolent reefs. The Philippine military has repeatedly confirmed that the "new model" has been agreed by the entire command chain, including Philippine defense ministers and national security advisers, and the "new model" was abandoned by the Philippines after it was implemented once in the Philippine transportation and supplement on February 2.