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ninecasinofreespins| The biggest anxiety of the tram has been solved by Wei Lai

时间:2024-04-30 21:34:32浏览次数:30

Source: planet Business Review

ninecasinofreespins| The biggest anxiety of the tram has been solved by Wei Lai

Watching Luo Yonghao live some time ago, he talked about new energy cars again. The reason for saying it again and again is that Lao Luo has been firmly supporting new energy vehicles since a few years ago. At that time, someone asked him why he didn't build a car. He said that he had comprehensively estimated the difficulty, amount of money, timing, and so on, and thought:

It's too late.

More than 50 years oldNinecasinofreespinsLao Luo, 19, talked about it in the broadcast room, commenting on the change of the power station in Weilai, saying that if you change the battery in 3 minutes, the power station will be the gas station of the tram. There are more than 2400 power stations across the country, and users drive all the way from Harbin to Sanya without mileage anxiety at all.

No one else is qualified to say that, Lao Luo has. After all, he is above the limit, and he has to rely on four wheels wherever he goes. During the live broadcast that day, he said something like this:

The pioneers of electric cars in our country have been subjected to merciless ridicule all the way to today.

Over the past few days at the Beijing Auto Show, Li Xiang, Lei Jun and other people who have been ridiculed have all come to visit the booth, and Wang Feng has also gone. After watching the power exchange mode and ET7 executive version with Li Bin, he led Li Bin to sing his own "Beijing Beijing" in the car. Then, he said that people no longer look at foreign luxury brands.

This was not the case 10 years ago, foreign brands and foreign languages still have a halo.NinecasinofreespinsYou see, after listening to Wang Feng's confession of love at the concert, Zhang Ziyi uttered that sentence that was difficult for countless translators-come on! My music king!

Li Bin also began to build cars at that time and began to implement the idea of changing electricity. Over the years, Daxing mercilessly mocked the mode of changing electricity from Wei.

In 2018, Weilai took users all over the country with the method of energy-replenishing car. there was a situation in which the energy-replenishing car could not recharge itself in the mountains, so he had to call a rescue car. At that time, it was absolutely a joke for outsiders to see Li Bin say, "We can go wherever the oil truck can go."

The simple idea that oil cars can go to trams and trams can also come from, and how it is realized, is actually a very good topic.

In the last decade, the fastest growing tracks in the world are new energy vehicles and chips. Just some time ago, many media said that Europeans and Americans did not play electric cars with us, and everyone was caught in self-doubt. Did they choose the wrong track?

The big star said a few things. By June last year, there were a total of 610000 charging piles in 16 European countries. Whether it sounds right or not, let's turn the camera to Shanghai. At the end of last year, the number of charging piles in Shanghai exceeded:


Volkswagen, a world powerhouse with a history dating back to moustache, was ambitious to replicate Tesla in Germany when it was CEO. He told the workers that you worked overtime to improve production efficiency, and the union said no. He said that I would lay off staff and change robot production. The union said you should try. When he persuaded the major shareholders to prepare to burn their bridges, he was faced with tremendous pressure from public opinion. The worker didn't leave and he was laid off.

So people in Europe and America don't want to play anymore? No, innovation and reform are accompanied by unknown risks in any field. Capitalists in Europe and the United States have reached the same conclusion as Lao Luo after pressing their calculators:

It's too late.

In the past, big stars used to joke with domestic car-building entrepreneurs, but many of them do have different characteristics from European and American capitalists.

Take changing electricity, for example, we all know that changing electricity is fast, and it can solve the problem of preserving the value of the core components of the tram, which users are most worried about. Israelis began to preach in 2009, and Musk even tested it, only to criticize it as stupid and inefficient.

A business model, if everyone thinks it is good but no one does it, either has monopoly power or has extremely high other challenges.

When Weilai decided whether to change the electricity or not, it was not without internal controversy. Li Bin's logic is very simple, battery technology is not mature, and it is difficult to mature in a short period of time, if we only have charging plans, battery technology iteration or obsolete, what will the earliest car owners do? Weilai designed the battery pack to a uniform size, so that even if the battery technology advances, regular car buyers can still keep up with the pace of technological progress by changing electricity.

Over the past 10 years, the Weilai power station has been iterated for three generations, and the fourth generation is on display at the Beijing Auto Show. There are more than 2400 power stations in 11 major urban agglomerations, including 7 vertical and 6 horizontal urban agglomerations, and nearly 800 on highways.

I looked through the data and found that there were more than 3500 power stations across the country at the end of last year, that is to say, Weilai alone accounted for 65%. I think this road is open. Up to now, Weilai has provided more than 43 million power changes for users.

Why is this solution used by so many users? Changan, Geely Holdings, Chery and other enterprises want to cooperate with Weilai to change power stations?

In the end, the pattern works. A friend of Daxing bought the original ES8 that year, and people who bought other electric cars at the same time began to worry about the battery decay. His car can still change electricity after almost seven years and is finished in 3 minutes, which is as fast as refueling. A few days ago, I read the online news that Old 8 could also upgrade the 150kWh ultra-long battery pack, pulling me to show off for a long time.

Shen Fei, senior vice president of Xilai, summed up several advantages of changing electricity. Change the electricity in 3 minutes, which is equivalent to the efficiency of refueling; don't worry and comfortable, do not get off the car, the whole journey is automatic, it does sound much better than charging; spend the least money on the farthest journey, do not have to buy a long-range battery, save tens of thousands, spend about 100 yuan on 50mp when in need, and upgrade a longer battery pack on a daily basis. No one doesn't understand this account.

The mode works, so what should we do when we want to do it? Join us. So you see, in the moments of Xilai, since last year, people have been joining, and the momentum has been very strong. According to the grapevine, there will be enterprises to join in the follow-up, and half of the domestic automobile enterprises are changing electricity. I am not surprised.

Mr. Lu Xun said that there is no road in the world, and there are roads everywhere when there are more cars to change electricity.

Looking at it in hindsight, it doesn't seem to be difficult. But in the field of new energy vehicles, "hear me out!" Certainly can not do this job, it seems that only Li Bin can do it.

Li Bin can do it not because he is "smart", but because he is "stupid" enough. To build infrastructure and change power stations to solve users' mileage anxiety before buying a car is a stupid way and a heavy investment. There are many companies in the circle that have sold so many cars, but have never built their own charging piles. When the Weilai replacement power station is mature, it will be opened to the industry, and 80% of the demand for charging piles comes from users of other brands. But Weilai does not care, nor does it set firewalls for other brand models.

Therefore, an enterprise has been pulled back from the line of life and death countless times, and the capital beyond its ability is certainly not zero.

You can see that he spent 15 minutes persuading Liu Qiangdong to invest, you can see that he took half a day to finish the investment of his friends in the Middle East, and the press conference in Hefei was not held, so the other party put 1 billion yuan into the account.

On January 7, 2020, Li Bin held a regular meeting with Jianghuai in Hefei. After the meeting, Li Bin was going to Shanghai. At the railway station, Li Bin sent a message to Chen Xiang, then chairman of Anhui Investment Group. "he said," Don't go. Aren't you looking for some local governments to invest recently? Why don't you talk to Hefei? "

I don't know what you can see in this story, but I can see it:

We must wish you all a happy New year.