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freespincasinonodepositfree$25| Sold out in two minutes, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are now "empty in seconds"

时间:2024-05-27 17:42:42浏览次数:24

Every reporter Song Qinzhang, every editor Chen Xing

Ultra-long-term special treasury bonds once again "sold out in a second".

On May 27, 20-year special treasury bonds went on sale. A reporter from the Daily Economic News learned that some banks'"24 special treasury bonds 02" were robbed within two minutes.

People in the industry have told reporters that when individuals buy long-term treasury bonds, they need to comprehensively evaluate their own investment amount, maturity, and interest rates, and at the same time fully understand the terms of the treasury bonds, as well as redemption and transfer in advance.

Some banks sold out "24 special treasury bonds 02" in two minutes.

After the closing of the recent tender, the 20-year special treasury bonds began to be distributed today and will be listed for trading on May 29.

The reporter learned in the early stage that many bank outlets have not received notice to distribute ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to individual investors, and individual investors can only buy through some bank counters or mobile banks, such as China Merchants Bank and Zhejiang Merchants Bank.

In the early morning of May 27th, the reporter came to a branch of China Merchants Bank. A customer specialist said that it could be snapped up on the mobile bank. Distribution started at 10:00 and may be sold out in two or three minutes.

At 10: 01:00, the reporter opened the "24 special treasury bonds 02" sales page of China Merchants Bank's mobile bank, which showed "1607723 purchasable shares". After a few seconds, the reporter refreshed it, and immediately became "0 purchasable shares". The button at the bottom of the page then changed from "buy" to "sold out".

A customer specialist of China Merchants Bank told every reporter that compared with the last 30-year special treasury bonds, the maturity of this special treasury bonds is shorter, and the quota distributed by China Merchants Bank is also less, "only 500 million yuan", which may be the reason why it sold out more quickly.

The client specialist said that if customers want to earn coupon income, in fact, the coupon yield of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds is not high.Freespincasinonodepositfree$25If the customer wants to earn capital gains, it is recommended to buy some.

He also told every reporter that ultra-long-term special treasury bonds subscribed in mobile banking can also be traded in the secondary market. "after you buy it here,Freespincasinonodepositfree$25You can open to transfer trusteeship, for example, transfer to another securities company, you can trade. "

In addition, the reporter learned that although some banks distribute ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, they are not for individuals. For example, a staff member of a branch of CITIC Bank told the reporter: "this is for the enterprise version, not for the individual."

The product information of "24 special treasury bonds 02" of China Merchants Bank shows that the type of the bond is bookkeeping treasury bonds, the risk grade is R3, and the coupon rate is 2.Freespincasinonodepositfree$25.49%, the term is 20 years, the interest is paid on a regular basis, the interest payment cycle is 6 months, the starting date is May 25, 2024, and the due date is May 25, 2044. The current issue of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds can be sold on the trading day at 10: 00, 15: 30, and the funds will be received in real time.

The ultra-long-term special treasury bonds sold by Zheshang Bank are also popular. The reporter saw on the mobile phone that the "24 Special Treasury Bonds 02" on the mobile bank of Zhejiang Merchants Bank went on sale at 10:00 10:06, the reporter found that "24 special treasury bonds 02" has been sold out. But at noon, when the reporter once again opened the Zheshang Bank APP, "24 special treasury bonds 02" changed back to the subscripable state.

A staff member of a branch of Zheshang Bank told reporters that the bank's "24 special treasury bonds 02" had indeed sold out before 10:30, but the bank added an additional quota of 100m yuan at 10:30

Individual purchases of long-term treasury bonds need to be evaluated comprehensively

According to the 2024 government work report, in order to systematically solve the funding problem of some major projects in the process of building a powerful country and national rejuvenation, it is planned to issue ultra-long-term special treasury bonds for several consecutive years starting from this year. Special for the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, 1 trillion yuan will be issued this year.

On May 13, the Ministry of Finance issued the notice on announcing the relevant arrangements for the issuance of general treasury bonds and ultra-long-term special treasury bonds in 2024. According to the arrangement, the maturity of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds includes 20-year, 30-year and 50-year maturity, all of which pay interest on a semi-annual basis. From the initial launch on May 17 to the completion of the release in mid-November, a total of 22 issues were issued, mainly in the third quarter.

Prior to this, Wu Suwei, a private wealth manager, told every reporter that assets with stable and safe long-term returns are relatively scarce, and the interest rates and safety of long-term treasury bonds will be favored by many investors. For investors who do not use funds for a long time, proper allocation can not only obtain stable returns, but also disperse investment risks. However, he also mentioned that when individuals buy long-term treasury bonds, they need to comprehensively evaluate their investment amount, maturity, and interest rates, and at the same time fully understand the terms of the treasury bonds, as well as early redemption and transfer.

In addition, the risk of price fluctuation in the secondary market of special treasury bonds is also worthy of attention. The Ministry of Finance has warned that the trading price of bookkeeping treasury bonds fluctuates with the market situation, and investors may gain trading gains as a result of rising prices or face the risk of losses due to falling prices. Therefore, the individual investors of bookkeeping treasury bonds who do not hold maturity but take profits from transactions should have certain investment experience and risk-bearing ability.

freespincasinonodepositfree| Sold out in two minutes, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds are now "empty in seconds"

Cover photo: photo by Liu Guomei, Daily Economic News