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brawlcrypto| rainstorm orange warning

时间:2024-05-19 15:37:43浏览次数:9

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued an orange warning for heavy rain at 10:00 on May 19:

expectedbrawlcryptoFrom 14:00 on May 19 to 14:00 on May 20, heavy to heavy rains occurred in parts of southern Guangxi, most of Guangdong, southern Fujian, southeastern Yunnan, and northern Hainan Island. Among them, parts of southern Guangxi, southern Guangdong and other places There was heavy rain, and local heavy rain (250 - 300 mm) was recorded on the southeastern coast of Guangxi and the southwestern coast of Guangdong. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20 - 50 mm, and local rainfall can exceed 70 mm), and local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

Defense Guidelines:

1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in preventing heavy rain in accordance with their responsibilities;

2. Cut off dangerous outdoor power supply and suspend outdoor operations;

3. Units in dangerous areas should suspend classes or suspend operations, and take special measures to protect the safety of students, children and other working personnel who have arrived at school;

brawlcrypto| rainstorm orange warning

4. Do a good job in draining cities and farmland, and pay attention to preventing possible flash floods, landslides, mudslides and other disasters.

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory website