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playpokervideo| Analysis of today's ups and downs: 94 stocks with daily limit, 17 stocks with daily limit, Nandu Property (Property Management) has 6 boards in 9 days

时间:2024-05-17 15:55:11浏览次数:21

May 17playpokervideo, a total of 94 stocks with daily limit and 17 stocks with daily limit today. Trading stocks are mainly concentrated in real estate, property management, low-altitude economy, coatings, power, advanced packaging and other sectors. Among them, the real estate sector rose in the afternoon, special development services rose at 20cm, and I Love My Home, New Dazheng, Greenland Holdings, Rong 'an Real Estate, Gemdale Group, Urban Construction Development, Vanke A, Huaxia Happiness, Beijing Investment Development, etc. rose at 20cm.

playpokervideo| Analysis of today's ups and downs: 94 stocks with daily limit, 17 stocks with daily limit, Nandu Property (Property Management) has 6 boards in 9 days

In terms of connected board stocks, Nandu Property (property management) has 6 boards in 9 days, Nanjing Chemical Fiber (chemical synthetic materials) has 6 boards in 6 days, Tiandiyuan (property management) has 4 boards in 6 days, Yazheng Home Furnishings (smart home) has 4 boards in 4 days, Shengxun Shares (multimodal AI) has 3 boards in 5 days, Sankeshu (e-commerce) has 3 boards in 3 days, Poly United (rights protection)(civil explosion concept) has 2 boards in 4 days, Suzhou Longjie (military industry), Youfu Shares (state-owned enterprise reform) has 2 boards in 3 days, Garden Shares (new urbanization), Changyuan Donggu (Flying Car), Changqing Technology, Huamai Technology, Anjubao, Nanguo Real Estate, World Union Bank, Binjiang Group, Hefei Urban Construction, Zhongtian Services, Rongsheng Development, I Love My Home 2 connected boards. In terms of stocks falling, Faersheng and others fell to the limit.