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crashbandicoot1android| See also how small and medium-sized funds that increase capital and "blood transfusion" will "break through" in the future?

时间:2024-05-14 07:03:30浏览次数:21

Our reporter Wu Shan trainee reporter Fang early morning

In recent yearsCrashbandicoot1androidA number of small and medium-sized funds have carried out capital increase "blood transfusion".

The National Enterprise Credit Information publicity system shows that the Xinwo Fund has increased its capital twice since May this year. On May 8, the registered capital of Xinwo Fund increased from 140 million yuan to 140.4 million yuan, and on May 11, its registered capital further increased to 15596 yuan.Crashbandicoot1android.53.42 million yuan, a total increase of 1596.Crashbandicoot1android53.42 million yuan, with an increase of 11.40%. This is also the first time since the establishment of the Xinwo Fund.Crashbandicoot1androidThe fourth and fifth capital increase.

crashbandicoot1android| See also how small and medium-sized funds that increase capital and "blood transfusion" will "break through" in the future?

Industry insiders interviewed said that capital increase is an important way for shareholders to support the development of fund companies, which can be used to supplement working capital, expand the scale of business, and strengthen the building of investment and research teams. In the future, small and medium-sized funds can achieve a "breakthrough" in the competition through differential development.

Xinwo Fund introduces new shareholders

Previously, Xinwo Fund made three capital increases in March 2020, March 2021 and June 2022, according to Tianyanzhan data. The registered capital increased from 100 million yuan to 120 million yuan, 135 million yuan and 140 million yuan respectively, with a total increase of 40 million yuan.

Xinwo Fund was established in August 2015 by Xinwo Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Xinwo Capital Holdings Group Co., Ltd.) and Xinwo United Asset Management Co., Ltd. At the beginning of its establishment, the shares of the two shareholders were 70% and 30%, respectively. After two capital increases since May, Xinwo Fund has introduced two new shareholders. At present, the capital contributions of Xinwo Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Xinwo United Asset Management Co., Ltd., Qingdao Jinjialing holding Group Co., Ltd., and Qingdao Haino Investment and Development Co., Ltd. are 98.28 million yuan, 42.12 million yuan, 7.782671 million yuan and 7.782671 million yuan respectively. The shareholding ratio of Xinwo Fund is 63.01%, 27.01%, 4.99% and 4.99%, respectively.

"Capital increase is an important way for shareholders to support the development of fund companies." Yang Delong, chief economist of the Qianhai Open Source Fund, told reporters that it is not easy for the current fund to be issued, and some small and medium-sized funds increase the company's operating funds by increasing capital to make the company operate normally. When the market situation is better, we can initiate the establishment of more fund products to form a virtuous circle.

As of May 13, the Xinwo Fund has a total of 10 fund products (calculated separately for different shares), including mixed funds, bond funds and money market funds, with a total fund size of 5.384 billion yuan under management. Among them, Xinwo Anxin 87 months fixed to open bonds is its largest product scale of products, more than 5 billion yuan. Since the beginning of this year, the Xinwo Fund has declared three funds and is currently in the stage of accepting materials and receiving notifications.

Differentiation may be the key to "breakthrough".

In recent years, the public offering fund industry continues to grow, but fund companies, especially small and medium-sized funds are facing greater pressure of competition in the industry. A number of small and medium-sized fund companies by increasing registered capital for their own operation development "blood transfusion". According to the reporter's incomplete statistics, since 2023, nearly 10 fund companies, such as Hony far away Fund, Xiangcai Fund and Kaishi Fund, have increased their registered capital.

In the view of Yao Xusheng, wealth management partner of, the capital increase of fund companies, on the one hand, is the intensification of competition in the public offering industry, and it is necessary to enhance the strength and risk resistance of fund companies through capital increase. The capital increase can be used to supplement working capital and expand the scale of business, strengthen the construction of investment and research teams, recruit more professionals, and improve operational efficiency and customer experience. In order to operate and develop better in the fierce market competition. On the other hand, the pressure on the operation of fund companies caused by the decline in income such as public offering fund management fees.

For companies that are growing steadily, the increase in capital may also be to implement equity incentives. With the help of equity incentive policy, it not only shows the recognition of shareholders and companies to employees, helps to optimize corporate governance structure, establish long-term business philosophy, but also forms a long-term mechanism to train and retain talents, which is conducive to the stable development of fund companies in the future. " Yao Xusheng makes further analysis.

How should small and medium-sized funds better cope with industry competition in the future? Yang Delong believes that the competition in the public offering fund industry is fierce, and if small and medium-sized funds want to "break through" in the competition in the future, they need to make efforts in many aspects, such as performance, management, brand, channel and so on. For example, issue more products that meet the needs of market investors in order to improve their "hematopoietic function".

Compared with the head company, small and medium-sized fund companies certainly have some problems, such as imperfect organizational structure, immature investment team and investment system, high operating cost pressure and so on. However, from the perspective of product performance, thanks to the smaller management scale, the excess return performance of some small and medium-sized companies is very excellent. If small and medium-sized fund companies want to grow rapidly, they first need to build differentiation advantages and form their own core competitiveness; secondly, they should adhere to the business philosophy centered on the interests of investors, and constantly improve their professional ability and service level. win customer recognition and support; at the same time, need to strengthen cooperation with sales channels to improve brand exposure, and steadily enhance the scale of management. " Yao Xusheng said.