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spincitycasino| IDF holds multiple military exercises in the north of the country

时间:2024-05-10 18:23:04浏览次数:26

Gelonghui May 10| On May 10, local time, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement saying that this week, the Israeli army conducted multiple consecutive military exercises in the northern part of the country to improve its readiness to combat readiness in various war environments. Among them, an Israeli brigade participated in the Western Galilee regionspincitycasinoThe exercise was organized by the Israeli Army Ground Forces Training Center. The brigade's infantry, armored and engineering units, as well as logistics and communications support personnel, practiced coordinated operations on complex terrain. In addition, a brigade held joint exercises with the Israeli Air Force and Israeli Northern Command logistics units, which included rapid air resupply of Israeli ground forces in combat.

spincitycasino| IDF holds multiple military exercises in the north of the country