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gamescandycrushsoda| Pig market: Prices in the north are firm and slightly lower in the south, with spot expectations dominating the market

时间:2024-05-10 07:18:55浏览次数:25

Newsletter summary

Today, the spot price of live pigs has dropped slightly in the southern region.GamescandycrushsodaBut the northern market remains strongGamescandycrushsodaThe order turnover of slaughtering enterprises is weak, and the market is under great pressure. Pig contract up in recent months, market sentiment is stronger, it is suggested that more ideas to treat, but need to pay attention to short-term spot adjustment risk.

gamescandycrushsoda| Pig market: Prices in the north are firm and slightly lower in the south, with spot expectations dominating the market

Text of news flash

[the pig market fluctuated slightly today, and the overall market sentiment strengthened] spot prices fell slightly today, but prices fell significantly in the southern region, while the northern market remained strong. The order turnover of slaughtering enterprises is relatively weak, coupled with the existence of large-weight pigs in the market, the pressure is still large. However, in the northern region, especially in the northeast, the mood is relatively good, Eryu enters the market frequently, and farmers also show a strong sentiment of holding down hurdles and sparing sales, resulting in the acquisition of slaughtering enterprises is not easy. The consumption of white bars in the terminal market is weak, and the market price sentiment is obvious, but it is still difficult to raise prices. It is expected that in the short term, market expectations vary, and prices may be dominated by small shocks.

[pig contract reduction rose today, market sentiment strengthened] 07 contract in the price of less than 16000, the seller's willingness to deliver is not strong. 09 contract midday increase positions upward, the market bullish sentiment has increased. The impact of the storage news varies, but the disk trend shows that the overall guiding significance is not great. The early point of view of the market remains unchanged, although the general direction of pigs is upward, but in May, the verification of pig downtime and early hurdle is still not obvious, and spot expectations dominate the market significantly.

[trading strategy suggestion] for unilateral transactions, it is suggested that LH2409 and LH2411 should be treated with more ideas, but we should guard against the risk of short-term spot adjustment. In terms of arbitrage, it is recommended to wait and see. Options trading can consider buying LH2409-C-18000, selling LH2409-P-17500, and selling LH2407-C-19500. The above views are for reference only and do not serve as a basis for entering the market.