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时间:2024-05-07 04:19:01浏览次数:21

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 6th (Reporter Jiang Lin) the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released news on the 6thOnlineliveblackjackWe will clearly launch a package of phased and combined unemployment insurance policy measures to stabilize enterprises, extend the policy of reducing unemployment insurance rates to 1% until the end of 2025, and continue to implement the stable job return policy for insured enterprises with no layoffs and fewer layoffs until the end of 2024.


The relevant responsible person of the unemployment Insurance Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the main purpose of these policies is to give full play to the functions of unemployment insurance in ensuring livelihood, preventing unemployment, and promoting employment, and to support enterprises to stabilize their jobs. hold on to, get accurate, hold on to the bottom line of people's livelihood.

According to the responsible person, in terms of implementing the stable post return policy, small and medium-sized enterprises will return no more than 60% of the unemployment insurance premiums actually paid by enterprises and their employees last year, and the proportion of large enterprises will not exceed 30%. The use of funds has been expanded from the current four stable jobs to reduce production and operation costs. Reference shall be made to social organizations, foundations, social service institutions, law firms, accounting firms and individual industrial and commercial households insured in the form of units.

In addition, the people's Society Department will continue to implement the subsidy policy for skills upgrading until the end of 2024. If the on-the-job workers of enterprises who have participated in unemployment insurance for more than one year or those who receive unemployment insurance benefits obtain professional qualification certificates or vocational skill level certificates for skilled personnel, they can apply for skills upgrading subsidies according to the standard that the primary (level 5) does not exceed 1000 yuan, the intermediate (level 4) does not exceed 1500 yuan, and the senior (level 3) does not exceed 2000 yuan. (end)