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freecandycrushgamesnodownloadnoregistration|沪市保租房REITs举行集体业绩说明会 2024年实现良好开局

时间:2024-05-06 22:19:29浏览次数:20

Transferred from: Shanghai Securities News

Shanghai Securities News China Securities Network News (Reporter Qi Doudou) recently, the Shanghai stock market affordable rental housing public offering REITs collective performance presentation was held in the Shanghai Road Show Center. The fund managers, original rights holders and operation management organizations of indemnificatory apartment REIT in Beijing, Xiamen Anju REIT and China Resources REIT attended the performance presentation meeting to introduce the industry development pattern and product operating performance, and to interact with investors. China International Capital Corporation analyst conducted a special topic on "China's indemnificatory housing has entered a new development cycle".

Steady growth of business performance in 2023

In 2023, the operating performance of REITs products of rental housing in Shanghai stock market is good, and the three single products have maintained a high achievement rate.

Huaxia Beijing indemnificatory apartment REIT operation resilience continues to highlight, all the core business indicators have exceeded the issuance forecast, the amount available for distribution for the whole year is 55.05 million yuan, the cumulative completion rate is 111%, and the annualized cash flow distribution rate is 4%.Freecandycrushgamesnodownloadnoregistration.39%, 44 basis points higher than the release forecast.

The operation of the underlying assets of CICC Xiamen Anju REIT is outstanding, with an available distribution amount of 57.42 million yuan for the whole year, a cumulative completion rate of 109% and an annualized cash flow distribution rate of 4.42%.

China Resources Nest REIT has sound operation, excellent cash flow production and sustainable distribution ability. The available allocation amount in 2023 is 60.76 million yuan, 125% of the forecast value, and 5.03% distribution rate.

Products off to a good start in the first quarter of 2024

Shanghai stock market rental housing REITs products in the first quarter of 2024 business performance continued stable performance, achieved a good start.

Huaxia Beijing indemnificatory apartment REIT belongs to the underlying assets operation is stable, rental and collection rates are maintained at a high level. By the end of March 2024, the total occupancy rate of underlying infrastructure projects was 94.95%, and the rent collection rate in the first quarter was 96.73%.

The rental rate of CICC Xiamen residence REIT project continues to remain high, with Yuanbo apartment rental rate of 99.53% and Hengqi apartment rental rate of 99.24%. In the first quarter of 2024, the income of the fund reached 19.54 million yuan, an increase of 3.10 percent over the same period last year, and the amount available for distribution was 14.25 million yuan, an increase of 1.67 percent over the same period last year.

The overall operation of the two infrastructure project companies of Huaxia Fund China Resources REIT is stable, with the apartment rental rate of 94.38% for the Nest Sijing project and 94.29% for the economic development area in the east of the nest. In the first quarter of 2024, the income at the fund level reached 19.6175 million yuan, an increase of 1.84 percent over the same period last year.

Outstanding characteristics of operation and management of guaranteed rental housing

Adhering to the concept of "balance between work and living", the Beijing indemnificatory apartment project continues to work in the field of "more livable" to improve the satisfaction and quality of life of tenants. In terms of improving the satisfaction of tenants, the relevant teams of operation and management agencies have fully implemented the work of greening, environmental renovation and housing renovation of the community, increased residents' activities and facilitation facilities in the public areas of the community, and worked towards the goal of building "five communities", practicing "small residents" and creating an "ideal community".

The operation and management team of Xiamen Housing Project starts with the tenant experience and continues to carry out meaningful community activities to enhance tenants' sense of well-being and participation. In 2023, Xiamen Housing Project carried out a total of 5 community activities with the theme of "Building Bridges with Community and constantly strengthening customer stickiness". The operation management team strives to continue to provide high-quality residential life services for tenants, to be a provider of good living space with temperature, and to give full play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises in the indemnificatory rental housing market.

The two infrastructure projects of China Resources have nests are located in Shanghai with convenient transportation and complete facilities, and there is a strong rental demand. Relying on the resource endowment of China Resources Land and the operating genes of owned real estate, China Resources has nests to create green, healthy, safe and comfortable rental housing products with fitness, learning, social, entertainment, rest and other functions. Through intelligent management system and high-quality market-oriented operation, the operating performance of the project in the past five quarters has shown strong resilience.

freecandycrushgamesnodownloadnoregistration|沪市保租房REITs举行集体业绩说明会 2024年实现良好开局

The products are widely recognized by the market.

The central government's top-level design for the development of the housing rental market has promoted the accelerated introduction of relevant support policies, helping the housing rental market gradually enter the stage of high-quality development. At this performance presentation meeting, China International Capital Corporation analysts believe that from the implementation of rental housing supply in 2021-2023, there is a high certainty for the effective implementation of the supply target of the 14th five-year Plan. Guaranteed rental housing will be an important part of China's rental housing market supply increment in the future, and its market share may increase steadily in the future, and the proportion of indemnificatory leasing products in the leasing market will also further increase.

Investors said that judging from the performance of the secondary market, the rental housing sector isFreecandycrushgamesnodownloadnoregistrationOne of the most stable sectors in China's REITs market shows a strong anti-cyclical attribute. Compared with the surrounding markets, the underlying assets of indemnificatory apartment REITs have strong competitiveness, good operational stability and good investment value.