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时间:2024-05-06 14:19:07浏览次数:25


The May Day stock is coming to an end, the delivery of goods in the production areas is expected to slow down, and the market is still under pressure from high inventories in the future. According to Mysteel statistics, as of April 25, 2024, the storage capacity of cold storage of apples in the main producing areas of the country is 457.Letterroulette.420000 tons, down 44% from last week.Letterroulette. 560000 tons. The reservoir capacity ratio of Shandong production areas was 37.24%, 2.97% lower than that of last week, while that of Shaanxi production areas was 41.85%, 3.75% lower than last week. Shandong producing areas are still mainly shipped from low-cost sources of fruit farmers, the speed of delivery is relatively slow, and the boost of May Day stock is limited. Fruit farmers in Shaanxi production areas actively sell goods at concession prices, coupled with the May Day stock drive, the high cost-performance ratio of goods from producing areas continues to accelerate, but as the temperature continues to rise, the quality of surplus fruit farmers has declined seriously, and it is more difficult for customers to transfer goods. It is expected that the future price of Apple will be weak and difficult to change. Operationally, it is suggested that Apple 2410 contract should be treated with short selling ideas when it is high.

ResearcherLetterrouletteCai Yuehui

Futures qualification number: F0251444

Futures investment consulting certificate number: 20013101

Assistant researcher: Li Qiurong

Futures qualification number: F03101823


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