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downloadholdempoker| Dong Liquor Cai Shaoren: "Chinese traditional liquor" cannot be eager for quick success and instant benefit. It must maintain its natural background and make it an important label of Guizhou liquor

时间:2024-05-27 14:42:19浏览次数:14

Special topic: 2024 Round Table on the Development of Guizhou Liquor Enterprises

"Shouzheng, innovation and co-protection of Guizhou liquor brands, intellectual cohesion to expand superior industrial clusters". From May 26 to 27, the 2024 round table on the development of Guizhou liquor enterprises was held in Maotai International Hotel. as an important annual meeting to examine and plan the development of Guizhou liquor industry, Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable attracted much attention from the industry.

Cai Youping, chairman of Guizhou Dongjiu Co., Ltd., attended, and Cai Shaolen, president of Guizhou Dongjiu Co., Ltd., shared the theme.

Cai Shaoren pointed out that Chinese spirits have reached the era of "long-term lack of wine, long-term shortage of good wine" and "drink less and drink good wine". Dong Jiu has always believed that traditional Chinese liquor is not an industry eager for quick success and instant benefits. based on this, when talking about the future development of the industry, Cai Shaoreen put forward three suggestions:

First, strengthen the concept of green development

Guizhou is called "China Park Province", which is the opposite of Guizhou.DownloadholdempokerThe unique endowment advantage of natural resources in other areas has created two famous liquors represented by Feitian Maotai and Baicaoxiangdong Liquor, as well as the Guizhou liquor brand matrix of "letting a hundred flowers blossom", including Liquor, Guotai, rare Liquor, Jinsha, Diaoyutai and so on. Guizhou liquor people should unswervingly form a consensus that Guizhou's unique natural resource endowment advantages such as "mountain, water, forest, soil, river and micro" is the natural background of making good wine. In order to protect Guizhou liquor brands, we should always adhere to the road of ecological priority and green development, and jointly protect the ecological environment of Guizhou liquor development.

Second, adhere to the traditional brewing techniques

downloadholdempoker| Dong Liquor Cai Shaoren: "Chinese traditional liquor" cannot be eager for quick success and instant benefit. It must maintain its natural background and make it an important label of Guizhou liquor

Throughout the development history of Guizhou liquor for thousands of years, it is inseparable from the blending of the Central Plains liquor-making culture and the southwest minority liquor-making culture, and finally formed the unique Guizhou traditional liquor-making technology, which has the characteristics of complex production process and long fermentation cycle. The evolution has formed a Guizhou liquor flavor matrix of "multi-flavor", such as Maotai flavor, Dong flavor, Guizhou school flavor, fragrance and so on.

Cai Shaoreen pointed out that good liquor is brewed in a specific time and space. Guizhou liquor enterprises should adhere to the traditional brewing techniques and casting quality with ingenuity, so as to make "Chinese traditional liquor" an important label of Guizhou liquor collective brand.DownloadholdempokerIt is necessary to consciously maintain the brand image and reputation of Guizhou liquor and enhance the loyalty and trust of the market to Guizhou liquor.

Third, stick to the traditional healthy culture of liquor

Koji fermentation is a typical feature of Chinese traditional liquor. According to Cai Shaoren, Dong Liquor always adheres to the ancient technique of "Materia Medica into qu". On the correct basis, generations of sages continue to sum up, and finally innovate to create a unique "koji-making" technology of more than 130 herbs, creating a unique Dong Xiang in Chinese traditional liquor, and its formula and technology have become the only double-secret national science and technology project in liquor.

At a time when people are more and more pursuing a better life, liquor, as an indispensable consumer product in life, health has become an important cultural connotation. The traditional liquor health culture is not only the health of the product, but also reflected in the wine-making skills, team and concept. For this reason, he suggested that the government and the association should actively guide liquor enterprises to integrate research subjects, establish and improve basic research mechanisms, and further tap the health value of Guizhou liquor to meet the individual needs of consumers. At the same time, advocate a healthier concept, give full play to the traditional liquor health culture, and constantly enhance the brand value of Guizhou liquor.

Cai Shaoreen said that the concept of Guizhou region is the biggest comparative advantage that Guizhou liquor is different from other producing areas. Guizhou liquor should take the producing area, quality and health as the carrier of cultural connotation, and tell the story of Guizhou liquor brand well. Enhance the overall market competitiveness of Guizhou liquor. Guizhou liquor people should resolutely defend the regional concept of Guizhou liquor and constantly consolidate the moat of Guizhou liquor brand.

"Dong Liquor people are willing to work together, under the guidance of the government and the association, under the guidance of Feitian Maotai, to contribute all their efforts to the joint construction of the collective brand of Guizhou liquor." Cai Shaoren finally said.