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frugalvideopokerdownload| U.S. Department of Energy releases millions of barrels of gasoline reserves to stabilize oil prices: New Jersey and Maine incremental allocation

时间:2024-05-23 13:57:26浏览次数:14

News summary

frugalvideopokerdownload| U.S. Department of Energy releases millions of barrels of gasoline reserves to stabilize oil prices: New Jersey and Maine incremental allocation

Newsletter text

The U.S. Department of Energy sells nearly one million barrels of gasoline reserves to stabilize oil prices

The US Department of Energy announced on May 21frugalvideopokerdownload, will release nearly 1 million barrels of gasoline from northeastern supply reserves. The move aims to relieve pressure on gasoline prices on the market by gradually allocating 100,000 barrels at a time from storage sites in New Jersey and Maine.

According to an announcement from the U.S. Department of Energy, the sale plan has been developed to ensure that gasoline can smoothly enter local retailers 'inventories before July 4 and be sold at competitive prices.