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sicbogame| Glory Jiang Hairong refuted the rumor online: The online picture of Glory's small folding machine is fake

时间:2024-05-23 09:32:30浏览次数:9

Glory Jiang Hairong refuted the rumor online: The online picture of Glory's small folding machine is fake

[CNMO Technology News] At Glory's 2024 spring flagship new product launch conference, Glory CEO Zhao Ming said in an interview that Glory will soon release its first small folding screen mobile phone in a vertical fold format. Today, a blogger has posted a rendering of this new machine with a small folding screen on Weibo, but the rumor has been refuted online by Jiang Hairong, CMO of Glory Terminal Co., Ltd. in China.

sicbogame| Glory Jiang Hairong refuted the rumor online: The online picture of Glory's small folding machine is fake

On the morning of May 22, a blogger posted a rendering on Weibo. The blogger said: "Glory V Flip Rococo white real machine picture was leaked. Why does this color feel like déjà vu?sicbogame?”According to the pictures released by the blogger, the new machine is equipped with a super-large secondary screen on the back, and even the entire imaging module is wrapped in it. However, Jiang Hairong refuted the rumors online in the comment section.sicbogameHe said: "The picture is fake, with a large external screen..."

Through Jiang Hairong's response, it is certain that the above-mentioned glory small folding screen flagship is not like the one in the rendering. As for whether it will be equipped with a large external screen, his response is a bit ambiguous. Some netizens speculated that Jiang Hairong should have refuted the rumor and the rendering., but did not deny the possibility of a large external screen.

However, previous revelations have revealed to a certain extent that the new machine is likely to be equipped with an extra-large size external screen. Relevant material components show that the shell of the new glory small folding screen machine only has a bezel, which means that the upper half of the back shell of the new machine will be equipped with a large screen. Nowadays, many small folding screens choose to make a fuss on the external screen and continuously increase the display area of the external screen. If this design of Online Glory is true, it can be said to be the most amazing display effect on the middle and external screens of all small folding screen phones at present.

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(This article comes from Mobile China)