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pokemoncrash| Inventory of the launch time of domestic mainstream software: How many people shed tears when they saw the "fast broadcast"?

时间:2024-05-21 09:52:30浏览次数:9

Inventory of the launch time of domestic mainstream software: How many people shed tears when they saw the "fast broadcast"?

[CNMO Technology News] In recent years, a number of excellent social media and e-commerce platforms have emerged in China's Internet industry. Today, through the pictures summarized by netizens, we briefly review the launch time and development of these mainstream software.

fast broadcast

WeChat, as a world-renowned instant messaging tool, was officially launched on January 21, 2011 and has a history of 13 years. With its convenient communication functions and rich social experience, it has quickly become one of the favorite social applications among users in China and even around the world.

Also launched in 2011 is Fast Hand. This Short Video platform has attracted a large number of users with its unique creativity and rich content. So far, Fast Hand has gone through 13 years and has become a leader in the domestic field of Short Video.

Alipay and Taobao, as two giants under Alibaba, also have a long history. Alipay was launched on October 18, 2003, setting a benchmark for China's electronic payment fieldpokemoncrash; Taobao was launched in May of the same year and became synonymous with Chinese e-commerce. After more than 20 years of development, both have become important members of China's Internet economy. In addition, Tmall, as a high-end e-commerce platform owned by Taobao, was officially launched on January 11, 2012. It has been 12 years since then.

Douyin and Today's Headline are emerging platforms that have emerged in recent years. Douyin was launched in September 2016 and quickly became popular with its unique Short Video creativity and social functions; while Today's Headline was launched in August 2012, winning the favor of users with its accurate news recommendation algorithm.

In addition, there are also e-commerce platforms such as Pinduo. With innovative group buying models and low-price strategies, they quickly gained a foothold in the market after being launched in 2015.

However, there are also platforms that fail to develop continuously for various reasons. For example, Qidao, which was launched in 2007, was a former video player giant. It closed its server in 2014 due to pornography and was eventually bankrupt and cancelled on May 26, 2023.

pokemoncrash| Inventory of the launch time of domestic mainstream software: How many people shed tears when they saw the "fast broadcast"?

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(This article comes from Mobile China)