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playfreepokergames| Agile Group failed to pay the relevant interest on the 2020 Notes within the grace period

时间:2024-05-14 12:23:27浏览次数:12

Transfer from: Shanghai Securities News·China Securities Network

Morning of May 14playfreepokergames, Agile Group issued an inside information announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, saying that in view of the company's facingplayfreepokergamesAs at the announcement date, the Company had not paid the relevant interest on the 2020 Notes. The grace period for interest payment on the Notes expired on May 13, 2024, and it is expected to be unable to fulfill all payment obligations under its overseas debts. The company will maintain active communication with creditors and will actively explore the best solution to achieve long-term sustainable development to safeguard the interests of various stakeholders.

playfreepokergames| Agile Group failed to pay the relevant interest on the 2020 Notes within the grace period